Developers & IT specialists freelancers in Bristol

    - The largest community of freelance talent online
    - Simplified management for all of your freelance projects
    - Support and services adapted to your needs

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Malt is all about community

Over 800,000 freelancers and 70,000 companies use Malt to connect and collaborate on a diverse array of projects.

icon of people doing a high five
70,000 companies

Working with skilled freelancers

800,000 freelancers

Working on interesting projects

1 solution

Supporting their collaboration

Working with freelancers is as easy as 1, 2, 3

From registration to finding the right experts and paying them, Malt supports every step of working with a freelancer.

number 1
Find the right talent for your needs

Browse talent profiles and contact them directly, or post your project on Malt and get replies from experts who match your needs.

number 2
Liaise seamlessly

Chat with freelancers directly through our platform, make your choice and accept a quote in one click.

number 3
Make payment easily

Benefit from flexible payment methods, like prepayment or invoices and rest assured that freelancers get paid fast at the end of the project.

Rates for Developer & IT specialist freelancers

The average daily rate of experienced freelancers in Bristol is €.

The daily rate varies based on a freelancer's location. For example, the average daily rate of a Developer & IT specialist in London is €446, whereas in Manchester it's €414 and in431 it's €Birmingham.