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Beniamin Pantiru

Senior Full-Stack Software Developer / Architect
  • Suggested rate
    £666 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Beniamin's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Rotterdam, ZH, Netherlands
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Beniamin in a few words
I am a Senior Software Developer with over 8 years of experience. I helped companies build solutions for aviation, telecom ordering systems, and debt collections using Java / Scala Ecosystem and Angular.
I can successfully grow teams of Software Engineers.
  • Swisscom
    Senior Software Engineer
    November 2021 - Today (3 years and 3 months)
    Rotterdam, Netherlands

    ● Building software for internal and external products
    ● Finding the best technical solutions
    ● Helping customers in defining the best solutions for their needs
    ● Maintenance and improvement of current software, resulting in a faster product
    ● Helping other developers in finding quick solutions, for faster development of the product
    ● Creating and maintaining CI/CD pipelines
    ● Participation in creating the architecture of the software for a better performance
    ● Participation in research for best technologies to be used, for faster development and a better product
    Technical Lead
    October 2018 - December 2022 (4 years and 2 months)
    Bucharest, Romania
    Migrating application from Java Swing to Java 11 Spring REST API and Angular Front End Migrating from EJB to Spring and Hibernate Configuring Jenkins server and CI/CD pipelines Configuring docker images and automate containers Configuring and maintaining a private repository (Nexus) Configuring and maintaining a GitLab private server Creating the architecture of the application Developing new functionalities for the product Mentoring junior and middle developers and help them grow Realizing Code Review to maintain the Coding Standards Managing a team off ~6 full-stack developers Searching for best architectural solutions
    Software Developer
    January 2016 - October 2018 (2 years and 9 months)
    Bucharest, Romania

    ● Building software for telecom, banking and fintech systems, Mobile, WEB and PC, using Java (MVC - Apache Wicket and REST) and Angular
    ● Creating Wrappers Components over Angular UI Components for a better extensibility
    ● Helping Business analysts to provide real solutions for customers
    ● Maintenance and improvement of current software, resulting a faster product
    ● Helping other developers in finding quick solutions, for faster development of the product
    ● Implementing LDAP authentication
    ● Participation in creating the architecture of the software for a better performance
    ● Participation research for best technologies to be used, for faster development and a better product
  • Bachelor of Science
    University "Vasile Alecsandri" of Bacau
    Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Computer Programming,Mathematics