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Chintana Salikoun

Social Media & Community Manager
  • Suggested rate
    £250 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Chintana's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
South Korea Seoul Yongsan Seoul
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Chintana in a few words
My name is Chintana. I am currently living between Lyon,France and Seoul, South Korea.
After working for 5 years as an Art Buyer in an advertising agency in Paris, I decided to move to Seoul to work as a Content Creator, Social Media & Community Manager.
I have work for different clients in different fields such as skincare, bedding, food & beverage…
I am an optimistic, curious and well-organised person. I love learning about a new culture as I grew up with 2 different ones.
Let’s collaborate together!

Here's my portfolio:
  • Chintana Salikoun
    Content Creator / Social Media Manager / Ambassador
    January 2024 - Today (1 year and 1 month)
    Séoul, Corée du Sud
    Création de contenus + UGC pour des marques de cosmétiques coréennes (cf. portfolio) Respect des guidelines envoyées par les marques pour la création de contenus sur leurs réseaux sociaux (Instagram, TikTok, site internet...). Développement de stratégies marketing.
    Réseaux sociaux Marketing Community management Instagram TikTok Montage vidéo
  • MRM McCann
    Art Buyer
    September 2019 - October 2022 (3 years and 1 month)
    Paris, France
    - Handle budget of the brands: L'Oréal Paris, Franck Provost, La Provençale, Moncler and Mixa
    - Models, photographers, music's usage rights negociations and contracts management
    - Videos acquisitions
    - Rights management: price in hand of a geographical area
    - Administrative follow-up of the files
    - Packaging Management: Update rights for each brand
    - Financial management: creation of estimates, follow-up of administrative files
    Negotiation terms and conditions usage rights
  • La Grande Odyssée Savoie Mont-Blanc
    Event & Communication Manager
    January 2018 - January 2018 (1 month)
    Paris, France
    - Developed social media strategies to increase following on social medias (Facebook, Instagram)
    - Global communication: communication plan, promotion operations
    - Content realisation: newsletters, press release, press pack, debriefing
    - Press relations: telephone follow-up, monitoring
    - Welcomed media and journalists during the events
    Events Communication Press relations Social media
  • MBA Luxury Communication & Strategies
    EFAP Paris
    Créa publicitaire, Marketing tactics, Rethinking Luxury, Lobbying, SEO, Startups, Relation Publique/Presse, Digital Transformation, Design graphique, Event Strategies