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Eman Malik

Market Research / Analytics
  • Suggested rate
    £501 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Eman's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Edinburgh (up to 50km)
  • and around London (up to 10km)
  • and around Glasgow (up to 10km)
  • and around Manchester (up to 10km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Eman in a few words
My academic background starting from Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and statistics all the way through to my Masters in Business and Marketing in Monash University has laid the foundations for my professional experience in Data Analysis and Marketing Analysis with strong analytical skills.

As a Market Analyst, I leveraged my ability to develop links between behavior and actions and applied it to assist in the formulation of strategies for businesses that needed to develop connections with their customers and reposition their brand. Tying in value propositions with customer perceptions allowed us to understand where the company could be more effective, and tailor communication strategies that would help the company regain their competitive advantage and build brand value. In my most recent role at Euromonitor International, I honed in on my quantitative & qualitative analytical skills to draw actionable insights, where I compiled numerous industry, competitors analytical reports and consumer trend reports. From developing questionnaires, gathering and compiling data to interpreting and running data analysis, I provided in depth consumer, brand and competitor insights.

Outside of work, my passion lies in tennis. My resolve and commitment to the sport not only led me to the top of the Pakistan National circuit but is also what drove me to get captaincy at my university’s varsity team in the USA. Being a varsity tennis player has instilled in me the importance of teamwork, dedication, discipline and commitment. Attributes that got me Co Authorship and have my assessment tool on identifying and tracking autism amongst individuals published in a prestigious USA Psychology Journal.