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Heiko Schaefer

Mobility Consulting, Project Lead, Engineering
  • Suggested rate
    £601 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Heiko's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Nuremberg, BY, Germany
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Heiko in a few words
E-mobility is a key pillar for a more sustainable future!

Driving the change, I develop powertrain architectures for Battery Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles both as a Systems Engineer and a Technical Project Leader. I consult in automotive and non-automotive applications, in passenger and freight transportation, in public, private and shared mobility projects.

During my professional career, I have been involved in numerous successful projects to develop electrified powertrains and sensor systems as well as specialized test rigs of various kinds.

- I focus on electric mobility, shared mobility and other sustainable mobility projects.
- I am an expert in battery electric, hybrid and fuel cell electric powertrains.
- I support your project in automotive & non-automotive sector, in passenger & freight traffic, in private & public transportation and in shared mobility.
- I am experienced in prototype and series development.
- My services include systems engineering, E/E architecture and wiring harness design, requirements management, supplier relations, component sourcing, build-up process support, commissioning, testing, trouble shooting and technical project management for teams performing all the above as well as general mobility consulting.

For more information check out my homepage and / or LinkedIn page.
  • Schaefer Mobility Solutions. E-lectrifying. E-mpowering. E-mazing!
    Sustainable Mobility Consultant
    March 2022 - Today (2 years and 11 months)
    Bavaria, Germany
    Consultant for Engineering and Technical Project Management
    - I focus on electric mobility, shared mobility and other sustainable mobility projects
    - I am an expert in battery electric, hybrid and fuel cell electric powertrains
    - I support your project in automotive & non-automotive sector, in passenger & freight traffic, in private & public transportation and in shared mobility
    - I am experienced in prototype and series development
    - My services include systems engineering, E/E architecture and wiring harness design, requirements management, supplier relations, component sourcing, build-up process support, commissioning, testing, trouble shooting and technical project management for teams performing all the above as well as general mobility consulting
  • Continental Engineering Services
    Technical Project Leader
    January 2020 - March 2022 (2 years and 2 months)
    Nuremberg, Germany
    Division for Driveline & Electrification Department for Systems Engineering, Integration and Test Two main projects:
    - Electric passenger car series development.
    - Optimization and industrialization of electric truck equipment for the eHighway system. Tasks included:
    - Coordination of various disciplines e.g., requirements, system architecture, software, hardware, mechanical design, and test across several countries to push development foward.
    - Close cooperation with disciplines Functional Safety, Cyber Security, production, and with some senior technical experts.
    - Direction of technical discussions, workshops, review meetings and reporting to overall project management.
    - Communication interface for colleagues, customers, partners, and suppliers from different cultures / continents.
    - Establishment and coordination of successful long-term relations with various partners, suppliers and customers.
  • Continental Engineering Services
    Development Engineer
    October 2016 - December 2019 (3 years and 2 months)
    Nuremberg, Germany
    Division for Driveline & Electrification Department for System Integration and Road Testing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Systems and Development Engineering plus Function Ownership for various prototype and small-series vehicles incl. electrification of powertrains (48V, 400V, 800V), component development and installation of measurement equipment (ADAS, connected mobility). Leading system engineering for high voltage driven three-axle prototype vehicle (two electrical motors powering two axles; one detachable and exchangeable measurement axle) for automated development test bench "AIBA" in the Contridrom. Tasks included:
    - Definition of requirements and interfaces.
    - Selection of components.
    - Design of wiring harnesses.
    - Electrical integration in the workshop (hands-on).
    - First commissioning of vehicles.
    - Coordination and implementation of vehicle, subsystem, and component tests, incl. planning of needed test equipment, test facilities and headcount.
  • Master of Science
    Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
    Master of Science (M.Sc.), Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Industrial Engineering and Management
    Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
    Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Bachelor of Science
    Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
    Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Industrial Engineering and Management