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Juliana Spahiu

CELTA English teacher and translator
  • Suggested rate
    £167 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Juliana's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Paris, France
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Juliana in a few words
Multilingue, diplômée en politique et relations internationales, je travaille comme professeur d'anglais CELTA, traductrice et consultante en communication, manager portfolio clients pour des institutions publique et des clients privés depuis plus de 10 ans.
  • Absolutely French
    Adjoint de direction
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    Paris, France
    Operations manager, planning, consultations, communication, management, business strategy, client management, reporting, KPIs
  • Auto- entrepreneur
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    August 2021 - Today (3 years and 6 months)
    Bordeaux, France
    Consultations pédagogique sur l'amélioration des fonctions cognitives sur l'apprentissage de l'anglais dans le cadre de l'éducation nationale et dans les entreprises. Présentation de projets, amélioration des services aux clients en anglais, stratégie de communication et de marketing.
    Press relations Communication strategy Proofreading/Editing Branding Brand content Coaching English Translation English-French Innovation LinkedIn Marketing Marketing Project Management Communication Microsoft Office Negotiation Organizational Design Reporting User Research Recruitment Responsive design Storytelling Training Team management Design Thinking Start-up marketing consultant
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    London, United Kingdom
    Sensory cognitive instruction, diagnostic of needs using battery of tests, client relations, teaching
  • Politics and International Relations
    University of Kent
    Obtained: Upper 2:1 67% Mention Bien