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Kennice M.

Content Writer at Your Service
  • Suggested rate
    £250 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Kennice's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Telford, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set (11)
Kennice in a few words
Content writing is a field I love being part of. I have worked with digital marketing agencies specializing in content writing for the web, through blogs, landing pages, and SEO content, from start-ups to freelance. This means I already have experience in SEO, curated links, keyword research, fitting content around keywords, and creating informative, promotional, and educational topics.

I can help you produce engaging, well-written, SEO-driven content that can help to improve your rankings in Google, bringing more traffic and customers to your website. Is this a partnership that sounds good to you?
    Freelance Content Writer
    June 2021 - Today (3 years and 8 months)
    Telford, UK
    - Working with SEO and link building
    - Research and write copy for website content, blog posts, and web copy.
    - Creating Infographics
    - Creating content for Landing Pages
    link building blogging content marketing
  • Rhino Rank
    Content Writer
    December 2018 - June 2021 (2 years and 6 months)
    Shrewsbury, UK

    - Develop and implement a content strategy for businesses
    - Creating, editing, and revise content for use on blogs
    - Write blog posts and SEO strong content.
    - Creating Niche Edits for a variety of Topics.
  • The Torch: Entertainment Guide
    Co Creator, Book Reviewer and Editor
    January 2011 - January 2020 (9 years)
    - Curating articles about video games, books, movies, and music
    - Creating engaging news articles focusing on a variety of niches in the entertainment industry.
    - Managing a small team of blogger writers.
    - Editing articles for publication using Wordpress
    - Communication with authors, other blogs, and video game developers.
  • BA (Hons), Media with Journalism Studies
    Nottingham Trent University
    BA (Hons), Media with Journalism Studies