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Maria Merouane

Private chef & consultant
  • Suggested rate
    £1,328 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Maria's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Dubai (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Maria in a few words
I'm a chef with a passion for culinary artistry
and a journey that began in 2017. Over the
years, I've honed my skills and carved out a
niche in the culinary world. My journey has led
me to develop my private chef services in
Marrakesh, where I create dining experiences
tailored to the tastes and preferences of my
I've embarked on business-to-business
partnerships and have worked with F&B actors
in Marrakesh and since 2023 in Dubai. As a
chef consultant, I bring my expertise to the
table my clients elevate their offerings,
streamline their operations, and create
memorable dining experiences for their clients.
  • La Table Nomade
    Founder & Chef
    September 2021 - Today (3 years and 4 months)
    Marrakech, Morocco
    Managing and executing large-scale private
    events, ensuring flawless culinary experiences

    Menu Dev: customizing menus for high-profile

    Establishing relationship with food suppliers
    to source high-quality ingredients

    Training kitchen staff and provide guidance
    on food techniques, food safety and hygiene
    standards, leading to improve kitchen
    efficiency and consistency in culinary offerings

    Collaborating with hotels restaurants,
    enhancing their menus and culinary offerings,
    leading to increased satisfaction and revenue
  • L'Athélier
    Founder & chef
    April 2018 - February 2020 (1 year and 10 months)
    Lyon, France
    Developing a novel fusion concept that blends
    global cuisine with tea.

    Managing the daily operations of the corner
    shop, including food procurement, menu
    planning, food preparation, and service, while
    ensuring the highest food safety standards
    and customer satisfaction.

    Introducing effective management tools such
    as budgeting processes and cost control

    Recruiting and training a proficient team of