- SoftServeDevOps EngineerJuly 2022 - Today (2 years and 7 months)Wrocław, PolandIaC ( Bicep, Terraform), Yaml, Pipelines, Azure Devops, Github, Kubernetes, Powershell, AZ-CLI, Windows, Linux, App Migration from on-premises to Azure
- KyndrylWindows System Administrator (Advisory IT specialist)November 2020 - June 2022 (1 year and 7 months)Wrocław Metropolitan Area, PolandPatching Windows servers systems TSM client backups troubleshooting VM backups troubleshooting Capacity issues: troubleshooting Memory and CPU usage monitoring and troubleshooting VMWare operations Powershell scripting for different issues Labeling, Compliance tickets
- IBM Global Services Delivery Centre Polska Sp. z o.o.Advisory IT SpecialistMay 2019 - November 2020 (1 year and 6 months)PolandExchange Administration for Exchange online and Exchange on-premise Migration to O365 projects Security issues in O365 Check health of Exchange on-premises Patching Exchange servers Supporting Service Desk (Knowledge transfer and difficult tickets)
- Master of Science in Computer ScienceUniversity of WroclawMaster's Degree, Computer Science
- Postgraduate studies, Architekt rozwiązań IT w chmurze obliczeniowej - Architect of IT solutions in cloud computingWSB University in Wrocław2020Postgraduate studies, Architekt rozwiązań IT w chmurze obliczeniowej - Architect of IT solutions in cloud computing
- Master of MathematicsUniversity of WroclawMaster's Degree, Mathematics