I am an iOS developer for 6 years, using Swift in the last 4 years. In many apps i was the solo developer to code from scratch, and maintain them for a long time. I worked with remote designers and backend programmers without any issues, and i am currently working with a remote UI/UX designer and a backend developer on Medikaynak App.
While doing those works on the side, i worked at major companies for full time, developing and maintaining apps that have hundreds of thousands of daily active users. I worked and still work with large teams and corporate environments.
I'm competent in local and remote notifications, coredata, filemanager, location and maps services, watch and today extensions, iMessage extensions, storekit (subscriptions and in app purchases), avplayer and many other functionalities that improve user experience and retention. I also use external frameworks and api's like analytics (facebook, fabric, firebase, adjust etc.), crash reporting, ad networks and ad mediation services. I use git for every project i work on, personal, corporate or collaborated.
I haven't let down anyone or any company depending on me, and i will do my best to provide the work and result you need.
Projects on App Store
Awasr (itunes.apple.com/app/id1481454988)
Koton (itunes.apple.com/app/id1436987707)
Medikaynak (itunes.apple.com/app/id1106856669)
Flashwords (itunes.apple.com/app/id1342616613)
FiveAdhans (itunes.apple.com/app/id983162071)
Çanak Okey (itunes.apple.com/app/id536523082)
Haberler.com (itunes.apple.com/app/id339144085)
What I use;
RxSwift, Alamofire, AFNetworking, SDWebImage, JSONModel, Test Flight, Google Analytics, Facebook, Cartography, SwiftyJSON, Cocoa Pods, Fabric - Crashlytics, Git, Source Tree,
Apple Technologies: APNS, Passbook, Today Extension, Watch Extension, Notification Content, Touch ID, HealthKit
Design Patterns: MVC, MVVM, VIPER, MVI, MVP