- Wheels Car Rental SystemUI DesignerJanuary 2022 - Today (3 years and 1 month)Berlin, GermanyMobile UI/UX freelance designer for Wheels, carpooling app focused in Latin America. Designer of the app from zero to production and deployed.
- PlatziMarketing Automation SpecialistDIGITAL & ITApril 2021 - June 2022 (1 year and 2 months)Remote, OR, USA-On Black Friday, we achieved more than 700 transactions valued at more than 100,000 dollars in sales just in email marketing campaigns-I am in charge of planning and executing with my team the special projects of marketing acquisition campaigns through the automation channels.
- CoderHouseGrowth AnalystDIGITAL & ITNovember 2020 - March 2021 (4 months)Remote, OR, USA-In charged of the media compaigns coordinated with top radio stations (la W, Blu Radio, etc) and press such as (El Tiempo, El Espectador, etc) in Latin America.-I directed marketing influencers campaigns in Latin America with macro influencers with more than a million followers and microinfuencers from 20,000 up. Some influencers I have work with are Laura Tobón, Tuti Vargas, Andreas Book, etc.
- Bachelor of CommunicationsPontificia Universidad Javeriana2020Communications with a minor in Advertising and Marketing
- High School DiplomaHuron Heights Secondary School2012High School Diploma
- Master in Business Administration and EngineeringHTW Berlin