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Joni S.

Project Manager, Data Management & Energy
  • Suggested rate
    £500 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Joni's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Tampere, Finland
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Joni in a few words
Freelancer & Project Manager @ Eneral Ltd | Leading Smart Meter Rollouts, Data Management & Analytics

I’m Joni, a dedicated freelancer with a passion for helping businesses thrive through innovative solutions and data-driven insights. 🙌 Whether it’s optimizing processes, leading successful projects, such as rollout projects in the energy sector, or consulting on meter data management (MDM), I bring hands-on expertise and a track record of delivering tangible results. My services range from project management to data analytics and beyond, all aimed at taking your organization to the next level. 🚀

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to collaborate on various projects, from process automation and digital transformation to energy-specific initiatives. ⚡💡 You can explore these accomplishments and more on my website, where you’ll also find in-depth information about my services. 🏆✨

Ready to discuss how I can support your goals? Feel free to reach out, and let’s discover new opportunities together. 🤝 Visit to learn more and get in touch!

  • Eneral Ltd
    Role: Freelancer / Energy and Information Systems Expert / Project Manager / Business Analyst
    November 2022 - Today (2 years and 3 months)
    help my customers succeed in system development and deployment projects.

    Successful projects and roles:
    • ERP system (D365) deployment - Information Systems Expert & Business Analyst
    • Electricity Distribution system deployment - Information Systems Expert & Business Analyst
    • Datahub 2.0 & 15-min Imbalance Settlement Period deployment - Technical Project Manager
    • Measurement data management (MDM) system deployment - Service Manager
    • URMO Android-application implementation - Information Systems Expert & Business Analyst
    Requirements specification Product Development IT Project Management Energy and Electricity ITIL Project Management (PMO) Energy and Electricity Electrical industry Business analysis
  • Eneral Ltd
    Project: Eneral’s website implementation and maintenance - Full Stack Developer
    November 2022 - Today (2 years and 3 months)
    Tampere, Finland
    In this project, I programmed and actively maintain Eneral’s website. The website provides an overview of the company's offerings and descriptions of projects where Eneral has succeeded in recent years.

    Primary tasks:
    • Defining and programming in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript a user interface of the website.
    • Implementing Piwik PRO tool to the website with a focus on enhancing user experience and utilizing privacy-focused tools for tracking and analyzing user behavior.
    • Producing marketing texts and maintaining the website’s version control in Github.
    HTML5 JavaScript Bootstrap Web development Technical testing CSS GitHub
  • Elenia Ltd
    Project: Electricity Distribution system deployment - Information Systems Expert & Business Analyst
    October 2023 - March 2024 (6 months)
    Tampere, Finland
    Electricity Distribution system is used for various purposes, such as optimizing transmission tariffs, monitoring business activities, and planning operations. The system leverages data from a customer information system (CIS) and measurement data management system (MDMs) to perform these necessary operations.

    Primary tasks:
    • Defining formats and methods for importing measurement and customer data into the system.
    • Executing a migration and system testing.
    • Enhancing a master data within the CIS to achieve more accurate and insightful reports within the Electricity Distribution system.
    Technical specifications Microsoft Office User Testing Master data management CIS MDMs
  • Master's degree in Electrical Engineering
    Tampere University of Technology
    Wireless Communications, Industrial Management The topic of Master's Thesis falls within the scope of Wireless Communication. Master's Thesis: Inband Full-Duplex Technology for Multi-Functional Multi-Mode Radios: Applications and System Experiments (link:
  • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering
    Tampere University of Technology
    Electronics, Biomedical Engineering The topic of Bachelors's Thesis falls within the scope of Electronics. Bachelor's Thesis: ECG Measurement System on Raspberry Pi Platform
  • Matriculation Examination
    Hatanpään lukio
    Matriculation Examination