- Potion PicturesSenior Motion Graphic DesignerJune 2022 - Today (2 years and 8 months)London, UK
- Marjan Television Network Ltd.Senior Motion Graphic DesignerDecember 2018 - June 2022 (3 years and 6 months)In charge of the overall look and feel of most of the inhouse shows. Involved from the concept to the finish product to deliver an on screen visual for each program. In charge to brand News program, entertainment program and promo. Project management, overseeing a small team and assisting juniors and mid level designers, art directing.
- Potion Pictures LimitedMotion Graphic DesignerJune 2015 - December 2018 (3 years and 6 months)Designing screen graphics for shows such as Striclty Come Dance, Michael McIntyre and many others. Also involved in designing title sequence for itv shows and bbc.
- Motion Graphic (BA), Motion GraphicsRavensbourne2015Motion Graphic (BA), Motion Graphics
- Basic Artist course, VizrtVizrt2014Basic Artist course, Vizrt
- Media (BTEC), MultimediaTower Hamlet College2012Media (BTEC), Multimedia
- Art and Design, Interactive MediaTOWER HAMLETS COLLEGE2010Art and Design, Interactive Media