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Xara Bennett-Jones

Graphic Design and Layout
  • Suggested rate
    £250 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Xara's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Xara in a few words
I'm a Communications Specialist with over 5 years work experience with the UN. I am experienced in writing and designing annual reports, brochures, kakemonos and posters, from drafting the content to designing the communication products for professional printing using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
    Associate Communications Officer P2
    October 2017 - Today (7 years and 4 months)
    Paris, France

    - Managing the communication for UNESCO's CapED Programme across 20 LDCs
    - Writing and designing annual reports, brochures, kakemonos, posters, gifs and social media posts
    - Drafting articles and briefings
    - Managing website content
    - Producing interviews and videos
    - Standardizing the external communications of Field Office colleagues
    Consultant at UNESCO for EXPO2017
    June 2017 - September 2017 (3 months)

    - Deputy Representative of UNESCO at the EXPO2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan
    - Assisting the UNESCO Commissioner
    - Managing the UNESCO and UN Women booth and six assistants
    - Acting as UNESCO's main point of contact in Astana
    - Writing a final report on EXPO communications
    Communications Consultant
    April 2017 - June 2017 (2 months)
    Paris, France

    - Supporting the communications strategy and outreach of the Education for Sustainable Development prize
    - Writing content for UNESCO website and articles for Green Citizens
    - Supporting the ESD team with events management
  • MA (Hons), French and Classical Studies with Integrated Year Abroad
    University of St. Andrews
    MA (Hons), French and Classical Studies with Integrated Year Abroad
  • UX Design
    User Interface Design User Experience Design UI Web Design