Analytics Consultants freelancers

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From registration to finding the right experts and paying them, Malt supports every step of working with a freelancer.

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Rates for Analytics Consultant freelancers

The average daily rate of experienced freelancers is €475.

The daily rate varies based on a freelancer's location. For example, the average daily rate of a Analytics Consultant in London is €511, whereas in Manchester it's €325 and in500 it's €Birmingham.

Analytics Consultant: What this profession is all about

What’s an Analytics Consultant?

Freelance Analytics Consultants are in charge of collecting and analyzing website traffic data, with the aim of improving these figures. Analytics Consultants study the behavior of web users on a given website and make predictions and recommendations to improve traffic and sales.

All you need to know about Analytics Consultants

What does an Analytics Consultant do?

Freelance Analytics Consultants are responsible for obtaining statistics on the traffic and performance of a given site. They also seek to understand the behavior of web users on said site.

They implement analysis tools to determine the relevance of different facets of the website, whether in terms of technical, editorial, or ergonomic decisions.

How does an Analytics Consultant work?

Freelance Analytics Consultants can work from home, but will usually come to your premises for at least the duration of the audit.

Indeed, they must communicate effectively with the different departments of your company, whether with Marketing Consultants, Developers, Designers, Traffic Managers or those working in data. This way they can best meet everyone’s needs, providing the required data and ensuring its reliability.

To begin, the freelance Analytics Consultant will check the status and settings of the analytics tools already present on the site. Depending on their effectiveness, they’ll modify them or change the measurement tool to one that is better suited to the needs and objectives of the site in question.

They must then clearly identify the needs and expectations of the site’s users and adapt the analyses according to this. This allows them to have a precise overview of user behavior.

Once the user behavior data has been collected, the freelance Analytics Consultant must analyze it and convey it to internal teams so that they can draw conclusions and define the relevant improvements.

What skills do freelance Analytics Consultants have?

Freelance Analytics Consultants must have strong technical and web marketing skills, in addition to mastering the tools necessary to their work.

Indeed, in order to be able to carry out their analyses, they need to master Analytics tools (Google Analytics, At Internet, Webtrends).

They’ll also need to use Tag Management tools (Google Tag Manager, Tag Commander), in order to set up tags in different places on the site to measure user interactions.

Next, to set up different versions of a page and test their effectiveness, they’ll use A/B testing tools (AB Tasty, Kamaleoon).

Ergonomics and development skills allow them to identify the causes of traffic problems and to make suggestions to the heads of the departments concerned.

Lastly, they need to be organized, able to summarize their observations in a concise manner and be able to report clearly and accurately on their recommendations to the client and to the various departments. In order to present these reports and the data collected effectively , they’ll of course need to be proficient in the most popular office software, such as Excel, Powerpoint and Word.

How does a freelance Analytics Consultant work?

To make sure you brief your freelance Analytics Consultant properly, be sure to include the following information:

A summary of the context, the problems you are facing and the objectives you’re trying to achieve, so that the freelance Analytics Consultant can know how to help you and estimate the time it would take to complete the project.

A list of the analytics tools currently used on the site, if any.

All the information and resources that could help them understand your needs and help you efficiently. This’ll give them everything they need to get started.

If you think you’ve found the perfect freelancer for your needs, don’t hesitate to reach out directly to discuss their areas of expertise, preferred sectors or simply to discuss the project so that they can offer you a personalized quote. Your project is ready to go!