Choose a plan that supports your growth

Our pricing at a glance


10% service fee

Find the perfect freelancer in just a few clicks.

  • Limited access to our verified freelancer marketplace
  • Automated invoicing, expenses & payments
  • Professional liability insurance up to £500K
  • Email support

15% service fee

Enjoy unlimited matching and manage all your projects with no hassle.

  • Everything in the Starter plan, plus:
  • Unlimited access to the marketplace
  • AI Search
  • 30 day invoice payment (subject to eligibility)
  • Fast payment for your freelancers, while keeping your company's payment terms
  • Professional liability insurance up to £1M
  • Bring your own freelancers to our platform (Malt Open*)
  • Malt Strategy vetted consultants*
  • * subject to specific fees, see more details below. Malt Open 8% & Malt Strategy 25%

On demand

Ensure global success with a full Freelance Management System and dedicated support.

  • Everything in the Advanced plan, plus:
  • 30 day invoice payment
  • Advanced admin, analytics, and budget approval features
  • Professional liability insurance up to £5M
  • Integration with over 85 ERP systems
  • Custom contracts

Many benefits, one platform

All plans include:

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100% verified freelancers

Freelancers’ legal documents are reviewed to ensure compliance

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Direct contact with freelancers

Choose who you want to work with by contacting freelancers directly in our messaging system.

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Get started in no time

Receive an online quote, approve it in 1-click and your project can start immediately.

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Secure payment

Easily manage invoices, track spending, and pay in multiple currencies.

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Central company account

Centralise and manage your entire company's projects and freelancers in one place.

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Talent management tools

Candidate tracking, long-term projects, monthly activity reports: our tools make freelance management simple and easy.

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Secure data storage

Invoices, contracts, NDAs, activity reports, and legal documents: all centralised & easily accessible

Available in the Advanced & Enterprise plans

Malt Strategy

Malt Strategy is our exclusive community of 20,000 vetted management consultants and interim executives.

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Vetted community

Our sourcing experts screen each of our management consultant's and interim executive's backgrounds and skills. They have all worked at world-renowned firms.

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Wide range of expertise

Our consultants are experienced in executing all project phases, from strategy to implementation, and all project types, from workshop facilitation to long-term transformation programs.

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Curated profiles proposal

Within 48 hours, we will handpick the top 3 candidates that are the best fit for your requirements and budget.

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Personalised support

Personal assistance throughout your project from our Sourcing & Project managers, from identifying your needs, selecting the best candidates to finalising the project.

Trusted by the world's best companies

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And for freelancers?

Malt has everything you need as a freelancer. And the best part: Malt is completely free for you.

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Cash advance

Malt pays you quickly and securely at the end of your project, so you don’t need to wait for the typical 30-to 60-day company payment terms

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Dedicated support team

Our community support team is here to help answer your questions about using Malt or a specific project

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Insurance protection

All your projects are automatically covered up to £5M

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We're freelancer-first

Events, content, partnerships and spreading freelancer love: our team is here to help you boost your freelancing business

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An intuitive user experience

Our engineering teams work relentlessly to improve your user experience and make sure your can find your next exciting project

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A network of 70,000 companies

Expand your range of possibilities, thanks to our established business relationships and framework agreements with companies of all sizes and industries around the world.

Available in the Advanced & Enterprise plans

Bring your own freelancers to Malt

Centralize and effortlessly manage your freelance workforce.

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Security for all your freelance projects

All freelancers' legal documents are verified and must be up-to-date before starting work on Malt. Each project on Malt is covered by liability insurance.

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Ensured compliance

Make sure every contract you sign with a freelancer - whether they’re from Malt or not - complies with your company’s contractual terms.

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Fast, streamlined payments

Centralize all freelance invoicing and payments with Malt. You pay within your standard billing cycle (usually 30 to 60 days) while Malt pays freelancers in 10 days via cash advance.

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More oversight and control

All quotes, contracts, and legal documents are centralized in one place and easily accessible.

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Less paperwork

Sign only one master contract and reference a single supplier when paying invoices.

The full feature list


10% service fee


15% service fee


On demand

Talent sourcing

Highly skilled and verified freelancers

Freelancer profile pages viewed


Candidate application tracking solution

Custom company pools of freelancers

Unlimited posted projects & AI Search

Add your external freelancers to the Malt platform (Malt Open)

8% service fee
On demand

Access to Malt Strategy

25% service fee
On demand

Personalized external talent onboarding

Access to in-house sourcing experts

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? Take a look at our FAQ!

Absolutely, and it's actually the only way to unlock all of our services. By signing up on Malt, you agree to our Terms & Conditions, which means that you will use the Malt platform to approve the quote and pay for the project.

We want to give you, both clients and freelancers, the best experience on Malt, which is why we have a team of 600 Malters, including engineers, designers, and support teams, that are working together to make your projects a success.

There is no limit on the number of users in your company's account. So don't hesitate to invite your colleagues to join you and benefit from Malt's services!

Please fill out this form to get in touch.