
After a strong e-commerce acceleration post-COVID, beauty shopper experience is now omnichannel. In this context, online sales activation is key for the industry and for L’Oréal, the largest cosmetics group worldwide. Lamia Alkass Fleury is Global Shopper Activation Director for the Consumer Product Division. As part of the business development team, her role is to accelerate product category growth and online animation.

Last year, a multi brand Holiday online animation was urgently needed (29% of e-commerce sales), for which Lamia looked for an experienced Marketing Executive prepared to work in a fast-paced and international environment.

Margaux Saubry-Bobet is a Senior Marketing & Business Development Executive with 12 years of experience in beauty and luxury groups. She took the role a year ago to achieve this mission by leveraging her experience. She drove operational results at international scale. Since then, she has had an internal network and autonomy within the group. She is now in charge of all online sales activation for the division.

Key figures:

  • 615 L'Oréal users on Malt
  • 98% L'Oréal users on Malt
  • 1200+ freelancers are part of the L'Oréal community
  • 80% of projects start within 6 days


1 - Become the key contact for the mission:

  • Get to know each 4-brand identity, values, and stakes
  • Create an internal network to gain efficiency in reaching the objectives
  • Integrate the group culture for seamless ways of working

2 - Upgrade online activation content:

  • Build efficient creation & validation process with agencies
  • Deliver content that works and meets shopper aspirations in all digital touchpoints
  • Animate brand e-commerce community for a seamless validation

3 - Increase country adoption of the activation:

  • Communicate clear activation strategy guidelines to the 6 zones
  • Track zone and country feedbacks to improve continuously
  • Work collaboratively with teams across multiple countries to achieve successful implementation

4 - Prove the performance:

  • Identify and measure online sales activation KPI
  • Collect and share best practices & feedbacks to ensure operational success

There was a harmonious relationship with the L’Oréal team from contracting to payment through the platform. The responsiveness of the support team at Malt is also highly appreciated.

Margaux Saubry-Bobet

Senior Marketing & Business Development Executive - Freelancer


Result 1:

Smooth landing in the team, fully operational since day 1, maintaining organizational agility.

Result 2:

Improved consumer experience with major upgrade in content quality resulting in more engaging content.

Result 3:

Greater operational efficiency with a streamlined process, increase of cross functional collaboration and alignment with the 4 brands and 6 zones on global sales activation.

Result 4:

Quick uptake of multi brand activation with a +60% adoption rate by local countries, double digit growth for product category upon full implementation of activation implemented by the country

The Malt team is improving our tripartite collaboration: the client, the freelancer and the platform. Malt adds value by creating a seamless commercial relationship.

Lamia Alkass-Fleury

Global O+O Shopper Activation Director, L'Oréal Group