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Georgina Penfold

Strategy, Sustainability, Communications
  • Suggested rate
    £650 / day
  • Experience15+ years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Georgina's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Leeds, United Kingdom
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Leeds (up to 50km)
  • and around London (up to 50km)
  • and around Derby (up to 50km)
  • and around Bristol (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Skill set
Georgina in a few words
Experienced sustainability and strategic communications leader with over 15 years in the decarbonisation, energy and clean technology sectors.

I have a strong reputation as both a verbal and written communicator. This skill will be used to help you influence your target market, build or launch new products and promote your sustainability credentials.

I love getting into the data and going through the metrics for your TCFD, ESG or Carbon emissions disclosure.

Where I excel however is taking that data and making it tell a story. To assess market trends and the impact of macro events on business risk and planning, listening to, and responding to, customer need.

This combination of data analytics and strategic communication is a killer for commercial growth. Under my tenure, my last employer almost 3x'd its revenue from my core vertical in 4 years, against the backdrop of pandemic and energy crisis.
  • Inspired PLC
    Group Strategy and Communications Director
    August 2019 - November 2023 (4 years and 3 months)
    London, England, United Kingdom
    Overseeing all communication relating to COP Climate Conferences, developing and promoting new services, leading work on ISO14001, ISO20400 and public sector Sustainability Disclosure (equivalent to ESG in private sector).
    Sustainability Strategy Procurement Communication Corporate strategy Communication strategy
  • Spraga Limited
    April 2016 - Today (8 years and 10 months)
    Various projects in sustainability and strategic communications.

    Key clients included three large energy suppliers, a news channel and a national trade body.
    Communication strategy Sustainable development Sustainability Strategy Procurement Supply chain Carbon Carbon Footprinting Net Zero Strategy
  • Executive MBA
    Executive MBA at an international business school. In addition to core MBA subjects, my elective modules included digital transformation, behavioural finance and strategy for innovation.
  • MSc. Earth, Energy and the Environment
    University of Leeds
    Masters in energy and environmental management, with optional modules in environmental law and atmospheric physics. This gave me a sound grounding in climate and environmental issues from which I built a career in sustainability.