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John Crangle

Product Manager - Mobile Platforms
  • Suggested rate
    £496 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept John's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Sunderland, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Skill set (7)
John in a few words
A strong portfolio of experience across Product, Technical and Operational management. A proven problem solver and technical thinker with a flair for successfully launching new products into the market, contributing heavily towards enhancing business volumes and growth into the Enterprise sector.
  • BT
    BT & EE Platforms - Product Manager
    June 2017 - Today (7 years and 8 months)
    Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

    • Develop solutions based on a set of Proposition requirements that are driven from market needs.
    • Identify solution opportunities through my work with 3rd parties which can be fed back as ideas into the roadmap for prioritisation.
    • Works collaboratively to define the features and requirements of the product/ solution for acceptance by the virtual team, Propositions, Strategy, Service, 3rd Parties, Customer Experience Design and Technology.
    • Oversee the complex delivery of propositions across a vast set of IT systems, building the necessary requirements to ensure a smooth go to market launch moment.
    • Manages the complexity of developing the solution and makes recommendations to the virtual team as to the design of the solution based on time, budget, CX and baseline requirements.
    • Ensures that the product/solution design is kept on track and managed in a timely fashion to launch.
    • Flags any barriers to launch as soon as they are recognised and seeks solutions to overcome, to keep the project on track.
    • Owns the Product lifecycle and planning for their product area, including in life product management
    • Responsible for multi-million Project CAPEX, raising POs for suppliers and forecasting spend across the financial year.
    • Producing viable business cases to present at senior director level for financial approval.
  • BT
    Technical Operations Manager
    April 2011 - June 2017 (6 years and 2 months)
    Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
    Managing 20+ technical analysts across multiple sites responsible for offline line and complex customer support for all lines of business based in Birmingham, Gloucester and Newcastle, Incident Management that including root call analysis and corporate customer visits, trial management for new product releases and supplier management. Originally partitioning from the Technical Management Centre where responsibilities also covered Executive Level Complaints for Broadband and BT Vision (BT TV). These wide range of products helped build and abundance of different system knowledge converging at times across multiple platforms. Areas of responsibility (Mobile Network):
    - Team Management
    - Delivery of System & Platform Training
    - Complex Fault Management
    - Corporate Customer Visits
    - Supplier Management
    - Senior Management Escalations
  • BT
    Technical Analyst - Complex Faults
    January 2005 - March 2011 (6 years and 2 months)
    Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
    Responsible for end user faults relating to GSM, GPRS, UMTS, WiFi, Broadband, Converged Voicemail and BT Vision services. This included liaising with internal departments and also 3rd party companies. Analyzing data in order to identify trends in faults, leading to initiating complex investigations. Providing incident management communications to a wide audience that including 24/7 on call support. Some successes were:-
    • Working in Chennai, India to launch the first BT Consumer & Business Hub's.
    • Working in Chennai, India to train and deliver complex knowledge on the Broadband Network.
    * BBC Money Programme Q & A for BT Fusion Product.
  • Product Management - Business to Business, Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
    CIM | The Chartered Institute of Marketing
    Product Management - Business to Business, Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
  • Bachelor of Technology
    Sunderland ITeC
    Bachelor of Technology - BTech, Information Technology