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Lara Rankoff

Graphic Designer
  • Suggested rate
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Lara's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set (12)
Lara in a few words
An ‘Established Business’ requiring a freelance designer to work with directly, who will manage
your brand and create outstanding marketing tools and materials for your business.

A ‘New Start-Up’ requiring a visual identity the development of a logo, brand-guidelines and the creation of your very first marketing suite.

Or a ‘Creative Agency requiring remote or in-house support on a short or long-term basis.
I offer a professional, flexible and reliable graphic design service for both print and digital.
To find out more visit
  • Freelance
    Freelance Graphic Designer
    April 2009 - Today (15 years and 10 months)
  • Reflect Design for Marketing & Print
    Senior Graphic Designer/Owner
    April 2009 - Today (15 years and 10 months)
    London, UK
    Working for the last 13 under my own brand 'Reflect Design for Print Ltd' lending my graphic design skills and services to over 200, SME's, New Start Up Businesses, Charities, Print Studios and Design Departments throughout the UK. I have during this time brought my skills, design knowledge and experience to over 11,000 projects with an extensive range of end purposes. From logo design, company, brand identities and marketing suites to, magazines, newspapers, brochures, catalogues, exhibition sets, shop interiors/exteriors and van signage through to websites, social media and digital advertising. Building a reputation along the way which has led me to work with established brands such as William Hill Plc, Reach Plc, Olympus®, Thursday Cottage (Wilkes & Sons®), Sportstiks®, Holiday Inn, Havens Hospices and The Art Society. Whether I am leading the design, managing an established brand or working on an ad-hoc project. I always work closely with both my clients and team members, from concept to final conclusion, to ensure every project is executed to perfection. Applying consistency throughout and never failing to enhance the brand, the companies image and presence as a matter of course. Alongside organising print and production for clients when required.
  • William Hill
    Freelance Graphic Designer
    April 2021 - October 2022 (1 year and 6 months)
    Essex, UK
    A 3 month contract as a Graphic Designer, which was continously extended over a 17 month period and upgraded to an Integrated Creative Graphic Designer role. Initially working with the team to push forward the companies 2021 rebrand, through-out WH's expansive territories, including Sports, Gaming, Vegas, Live Casino, and Bingo. Producing a multitude of fast paced every-day rollouts, both digital and print, alongside creative concepts which included those for; shop interiors; retail window graphics and exteriors; UI UX framework graphics; campaign and stakeholder guides.
  • BA HONS, Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design
    Leeds College of Art & Design
    BA HONS, Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design
  • NVQ Level 2, Graphics Software
    Central Graphics Academy
    NVQ Level 2, Graphics Software
    Thurrock Technical College - BTEC NAT DIP - GENERAL ART
  • GCSE's
    Mayflower County High School