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Patrick Hickey

Copywriter and content writer
6 projects
  • Suggested rate
    £350 / day
  • Experience15+ years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Patrick's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around London (up to 15km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Patrick in a few words
I'm a London-based freelance creative copywriter and content writer.

So what sort of writing are you looking for?

Short blog posts? Long-form content? Websites? Yep, I do these.

Ads? Sure. I do press, posters, radio.

A direct mail campaign? A brochure or catalogue? Certainly.

I like ideas and sharp copy. I'm sure you do too.

Make it useful, make it smart. Don’t bore the pants off people.

Sounds simple, but it isn't.

It takes years of copywriting experience and an understanding, bold client to pull it off.

Let's see what we can do together. It's going to be fun.
  • Decathlon
    August 2023 - November 2023 (3 months)
    London, England, United Kingdom
    Detailed product descriptions and general product details for the Decathlon team.
  • Various
    June 1994 - June 2023 (29 years)
    London, England, United Kingdom
    Freelance copywriters are nomadic by nature. The joy of working with new people never fades.

    Some agencies I’ve worked for:

    Young & Rubicam, Craik Jones, TBWA/GGT, Aviator, BDDH, Gyro, BHWG, Black Cat, Hyde & Partners, Teamspirit, FKB Carlson, Rapier, Joshua, Evans Hunt Scott, WWAV Rapp Collins, Tequila, Wunderman, Ping Communications

    Clients direct:

    Evening Standard, Hello Magazine, First Choice Holidays, Telewest, CitySpace

    Copywriting content writing
6 projects on Malt
  • Quality

  • Respects deadlines

  • Communication

  • Graphic Design
    Middlesex Polytechnic