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Shirish P

GIS Analyst
  • Suggested rate
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Shirish's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Wales, England, United Kingdom
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Wales (up to 50km)

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Shirish in a few words
With over 12 years of experience in GIS projects, database management, and City GIS Implementation for Smart City and Smart Infrastructure, also geodatabase creation of all utility networks. I possess the comprehensive skill set and hands-on understanding necessary to affect positive, overreaching outcomes.
  • YESAAR Geomatics Pvt. Ltd
    January 2016 - June 2021 (5 years and 5 months)
    Pune, Maharashtra, India
    Private Limited is Non-government company, GIS organization started on 16 Dec, 2014
    •It's a private unlisted company classified as 'company limited by shares
    •Yesaar partner with clients from the private and public sectors in all regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges and transform their enterprises through GIS Technology
    •Details roles and responsibilities during complete tenure holding designation - GIS Technician
    •Evaluate spatial information collected from field and create spatial data using survey records
    •Prepare thematic maps and charts for a final delivery reports
    •Recording and managing project issues and escalating whenever required
    •Preparation of land records system - (superimposing revenue map on base map by attaching 7/12 extract records.)
    •Existing Land use map (Ground trutthing)
    •Development of Concepts for planning - which includes proposed Road Network(Missing Links, Propose interchanges,
    •Provide Accessibility to proposed development by provision of new roads)
    •Prepare proposed maps for utility i.e Water Network, Storm-water Network, Sewer
    •Network, Disposal site and Power network Prepare proposed maps for social infra-structure i.e Education, Health, City Level Park and other social amenities
    •Provide inputs and create GIS analysis reports for stake-holders.
    •Generate web maps as per departmental needs
    •Create Dashboards to monitor and track progress of project to make decisions, inform others, and see trends.
  • Lepton Software Export Research Privet Limited
    April 2016 - October 2016 (6 months)
    Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    Lepton Software is Premier Google Maps partner in India, Middle East and Singapore who has supported 500+ companies in their growth journey since its inception
    •Lepton is leader in Location Analytics, Map Data and Geospatial consulting practice across multiple business verticals such as Telecom, FMCG, Logistics & Transportation, Government, Retail, IT and Automotive etc.
    •Geospatial Engine to help telecom companies manage Network Inventory, Improve feasibility results, optimize Field force operations resulting in automation of processes, better control over mundane tasks and reduced overhead costs
    •Being leading Google Maps partner in Dubai, Lepton has strong footprint in Middle East and Africa as well
    •Details roles and responsibilities during complete tenure holding designation - GIS Data Analyst:
    •Verify, updated verify GIS layer data from GIS, Planning, Landbase, telecom GIS DB based on regular frequency in to JioPulse application(Web GIS Application) DB
    •Check geometry and repair geometry issues and uploaded in to Oracle spatial as SDO_GEOMETY format so that it can be consumed by JioPulse web GIS Application
    •Responsible for on-going spatial data maintenance and dissemination and generation of maps and other GIS analysis reports for stake-holders, Data requests for different departments using ArcGIS Desktop & ArcGIS Server and AutoCAD Map environment
    •Plan and manage activities associated with maintenance of GIS system ensuring project deadlines are met, and timely escalation of issues to line Managers
    •Preparing Thematic & Cartographic maps as per departmental needs
    •Do map changes to reflect in to web GIS application, user administration and layers access administration from JioPulse Admin
    •Provide inputs and create GIS analysis reports for stake-holders
    •Provide training & knowledge sharing to development team related to GIS
    •Create and update standard operating procedure (SOP) documents for activities related GIS
    •Work as Level-2 support & work on Service calls logged by users in to Service Help Desk for GIS data and applications & solve with specified deadline.
  • Lavasa Corporation Ltd, SCML
    December 2012 - March 2016 (3 years and 3 months)
    Pune, Maharashtra, India
    Introduction about Company: (
    •Lavasa is hill town project being developed by HCC Real Estate Ltd, a 100 per cent subsidiary of HCC
    •LAVASA is first planned hill town, post-independence Use of GIS technology first ever to establish new levels of world-class service and efficiency is intrinsic to the Lavasa vision
    •The system provides integrated, single window e-governance services to citizens of Lavasa
    •Lavasa will be first city in Asia to operate in e-governance mode
    •The entire landscape has been GIS / GPS mapped which will be linked to document management system to offer high quality services such as logging complaints for any civic services, checking property related documentations and information on the events planned in the city besides the emergency alerts and disaster management system
    •Lavasa's City Management Services (CMS) using GIS in their different departments :
    •Public Works
    •Public Safety & Security
    •Enterprise Utilities
    •Customer Services
    •Details roles and responsibilities during complete tenure holding designation - GIS Analyst:
    •Creating and maintaining GIS data repository (SDE Geodatabase) for use in implementation of Utilities(Power, Storm water, Gas, OFC, Sewer and Water) throughout Lavasa India's first ever smart City
    •Management and administration of spatial data for various projects, including quality and completeness and working with 3rd party vendors
    •Provide technical services including advanced GIS data modeling, 3D analysis, cartography, web-map publishing and geoprocessing in support of specific project tasks
    •Provides GIS and other geomatics services in support of CAD activities
    •Work with various teams to facilitate using Geomatics technologies in place of traditional tools such as Excel and Access where possible
    •Conduct User Requirement Study for different department within organization
    •Leads collaboration with other GIS staff and various City departments to understand their geographic data needs, and generates standard and customized products from GIS such as presentation maps, digital graphics and reports for users in all City Departments
    •Design variety of databases using data modeling techniques (Utility Data Model)
    •Support GIS data capture for different departments such as Project, Environment, Marketing, Tourism, My City, using GPS and other means (ArcPad 10)
    •Assist City Manager and staff in analyzing, testing, and resolving production problem
    •Develop documentation including workflow diagrams, GIS procedures and GIS work instructions
    •Assist with GIS staff training.
  • Master of Science
    Sheffield Hallam University
    MSc: Geographical Information Systems
  • Civil Engineering
    2006 Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
    Khopoli Polytechnic Khopoli
    Diploma : Civil Engineering