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Goga Rakocevic

web and graphic designer
  • Suggested rate
    £292 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Goga's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around London (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Goga in a few words
Talented digital art director / designer with breath of experience designing content for various online projects, as well as creating engaging and effective designs for websites, emails, banner advertising and social media for a wide variety of clients like Net-a-Porter, MTV, BA within different agencies like M&C Saatchi, Big Group to name just a few.
  • Self-Employed
    Professional Photographer/Artist/Designer
    December 2015 - Today (9 years and 2 months)
    London, UK
    Also known as Goga Goga Buy mixed media artwork Circle & Square was created out of a desire to make art attainable, so anyone can afford to elevate their personal space. We're also offering a simple and affordable path to collecting art with our range of limited edition prints and original artworks by emerging artists.
  • Freelance
    Freelance Digital Art Director / Designer
    December 2001 - Today (23 years and 2 months)
    Various agencies and private clients - Freelance Senior Digital Designer/Art Director AGENCIES: .Crush, Accenture,Publicis, M&C Saatchi, Big Group, SilverBullet, CrownCommunications Projects included: Afro Valley: Created brand identity for this start up as well as the design for the website and importantly the wireframes and the interface design for companies product, a blockchain based platform with complex functionality involving digital wallet, tokens and multiple user types with scoring systems. Capcom : wireframes, concept and the creation of project development specification for the mini site to support a social media strategy to promote the release of a new game. Design for emails, fb tiles and app pages for different Capcom products MTV design of fb tiles and website for MTV unsigned 2012 InterQuest Group website redesign.Created wireframes and design for the new multi platform /responsive website. Carphone Warehouse: Created wireframes and designs for the number of pages within the e-commerce site. Easyjet - Created banners and display monitor animations. Airbus -banners and emails Net-a-Porter: Creating designs for various emails, banners and pages featuring new offers and seasonal trends. Designed a number of web pages for 2010 Brit Awards Master Card Website concept, design and flash creation for MyPricelessGig, a competition to have the winner of Brit Award perform in their living room. British Airways Art direction ,design and production of online marketing campaigns for BA. Worked with internal clients on a daily basis; BA Marketing Executives of different departments. Carphone Warehouse Created a new image of Carphone Warehouse, adapted for younger trendier audience. The design concept was carried across both online and print advertising: posters and buyers guide. 3 – Mobile Design and production of email marketing campaign for "3" to promote new bundle packages to the existing customers.
  • Digiterre
    Lead Designer
    December 2000 - July 2001 (7 months)
    Set up and lead a creative team, created creative proposals for clients, presented ideas to clients, worked with project managers and clients daily, art directed projects following through to design and production of websites, animations, banners and mini sites. Clients Hertfordshire Business Link, Dunlop Slazenger, Hewlett Packard