Average freelancer
ratesfor Magento developers

Average freelancer<br />rates<strong class="subsubtitle huge u-db u-mt3">for Magento developers</strong>

Average daily rate

based on the average rates for experienced Magento developers *

* active on Malt over the last 3 months

Average daily rate

by level of experience

3-7 years of experience

Average rate :€388

8-15 years of experience

Average rate :€360

15+ years of experience

Average rate :€350

Average daily rate per city

in United Kingdom on Malt

Area of expertiseAverage daily rateLondonManchesterBirminghamBristolBrighton
Fullstack developers£675£550---£550
GO developers£594£606 *£575£523£500£636 *
Scala developers£585£578£650--£578
SQL developers£554£570 *£522 *£515 *£501£572 *
* Limited options: Less than 10 freelancers

Interested the being a part of the fast-growing freelance workforce?

On Malt, 11 Magento developers freelancers are available to work on your projects.